The Grade 5’s have continued to stay busy and the following are some of the things that have happened throughout the past couple of weeks.

On Thursday 10th August we had Mariam El-Houli, Marwa Al Salem, Qunoot Shaik and Raihaan Syed represent our campus and compete in the Integrated Olympiad. Students worked well and demonstrated their knowledge of topics like Health, History, Geography and Science. They all tried their best and I thank them for all the time and effort they put in.

During their writing lessons, they have produced some very informative explanation pieces about many different topics such as the Circulatory System, Respiratory System, How Bees Develop, Why Volcanoes Erupt and many more. During our Maths lessons we used different resources to create many 3D shapes. It was a great way for students to visualise the shapes and identify their faces, edges and vertices. In Art, some students made themselves ‘Where’s Wally?’ themed t-shirts.

On the 21st August, our class performed a presentation about our school’s values. It was a great way to refresh the school’s values and for the class to work together to achieve a common goal.

Grade 5
Grade 5
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The following are some riddles and a word search for you to solve. Answers provided in the next edition.

What did the crowd shout when the ghost flew into the net? (By Mahdi Al-Mousawy)


What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon and 3 legs at night? (By Mehak Ahmed)


What has keys but doesn’t fit in a doors’ keyhole? (By Ayshanur Sheriff)


Why is the longest nose 11 inches? (By Miss Avan)



Miss Funda Avan
Grade 5 Teacher